Counting To 20 Worksheet

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Counting objects activity With Regard To Counting To 20 Worksheet

Counting on and aback in 2s aural 50

This video shows you how to calculation in 2s. Before you watch, try to acquisition 20 baby altar to advice with counting. These could be toys, cars, architecture blocks, raisins…

Socks are additionally acceptable because they appear in pairs!

Let's booty a attending at the aboriginal question.

There are bristles bikes, how abounding auto are there?

Count forth with the video to acquisition out.

Counting to 2 Worksheets Pertaining To Counting To 20 Worksheet

If two added bikes cantankerous the accomplishment line. How abounding auto are there now?

Watch this video to acquisition out.

Worksheet 1 - Counting on and aback in 2s

Complete this worksheet about counting on and aback in 2s.


1. There are 24 shoes.

2. There are 8 pairs of shoes.

3a. 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32

3b. 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44

3c. 40, 38, 36, 34, 32, 30, 28

Worksheet 2 - Counting on and aback in 2s

Now accept a go at this worksheet about counting on and aback in 2s.


1. There are 16 wheels.

2. 8 circles and 10 circles in the boxes.

Test your abilities on this affair alike added by arena Karate Cats Maths - see if you can aggregate a new apparel for your cat!

Have a attending at these added resources.

Counting To 2 Worksheet - Counting To 20 Worksheet | Pleasant to my website, with this time We'll demonstrate in relation to Counting To 20 Worksheet .


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